cTrader Copy

cTrader Copy takes signal copying to the next level.
Fast, safe, profitable and effective.

Copy the success — get the profits!

Available for everyone

You do not need forex trading experience. Sign up for a live cTrader NDD with FIBO Group and you are ready to copy successful traders

Select the best

Strategies of dozens of thousands successful traders are available for you. Subscribe to one or multiple and invest as much as you like.

Copy the success

Each trade of a selected strategy provider is copied on your account. You have full control of your account, increase or decrease your investment any time.

Fair commissions

Trader is interested in their success, by copying them you share part of the profit.

Launch сTrader Copy

How does cTrader Copy work?

  • Select a trader

  • Invest and subscribe to a signal

  • Copy a trading strategy

  • Get your own profits

FAQ cTrader Copy
